Membership Application

  • Membership Application

    Please use this form to tell us about yourself and your current skills and abilities.
    • Personal Details (ADULT):

    • Please select all that apply
    • Details (CHILD):

  • Please tell us about your previous theatrical experience; the plays you have been in, the roles you have played or any backstage roles that you have fulfilled. Please tell us about any skills you might have that may be useful to our society, i.e. electrician, plumber, marketing, graphic design, administration et al..
    • Consent:

  • Safeguarding & Criminal Convictions:

    Disclosure is a process run by the Disclosure and Barring Service to help organisations make more informed recruitment decisions about the suitability of those seeking to volunteer or work in positions of trust, particularly for work including regular contact with children or other vulnerable members of society. If a Disclosure is required a criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a position and Disclosure information will not be used unfairly.
  • First Aid:

    • Accessibility:

    • Gift Aid:

  • Disclaimer:

    I will take personal responsibility to obtain and read all Prim-Raf Policies and agree to abide by all (full copies will be made available). Data Protection Act - This information will only be used for the purpose of Callington Amateur Drama Society, Prim-Raf Theatre, Biscombes Lane, Callington, PL17 7LB. It is also stored electronically and will only be used for the purposes of the Drama Society and shared only with Drama Society members. The Trustees of Callington Amateur Drama Society reserve the right to refuse admission to membership.